Thanks to everyone for being such an engaging audience last night - it was a pleasure to talk to you all. If any one has any questions or wants to argue against anything I said feel free to email me or post a comment here. You won't offend me by disagreeing with anything I said, I welcome debate and am not too proud to surrender to a well reasoned argument - debate helps us all understand better.
As always with these things there are points I realize I should have made and other things I realize I should have expanded upon but time is always such a limited commodity. If any one can make it to the next Leeds open coffee we can talk further.
Thanks for some really interesting questions and conversations after the presentation.
As promised, the presentation (as a PDF) can be download from here:
Also, below is the reading list I recommend and also the list of Web 2.0 apps that are worth taking a look at to see if they can help you in your business. If you find any others you like, please post about them in the comments section and share with everyone else.
Shaping things - Bruce Sterling
WiKinomics - Don Tapscott
Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing - Adam Greenfield
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution - Howard Rheingold
The Laws of Simplicity - John Maeda
Ambient Findability - Peter Morville
The Long Tail - Chris Anderson
Google Docs
As always with these things there are points I realize I should have made and other things I realize I should have expanded upon but time is always such a limited commodity. If any one can make it to the next Leeds open coffee we can talk further.
Thanks for some really interesting questions and conversations after the presentation.
As promised, the presentation (as a PDF) can be download from here:
Also, below is the reading list I recommend and also the list of Web 2.0 apps that are worth taking a look at to see if they can help you in your business. If you find any others you like, please post about them in the comments section and share with everyone else.
Reading List:
BooksShaping things - Bruce Sterling
WiKinomics - Don Tapscott
Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing - Adam Greenfield
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution - Howard Rheingold
The Laws of Simplicity - John Maeda
Ambient Findability - Peter Morville
The Long Tail - Chris Anderson
Ripe for use - Web 2.0 apps an SME could use right now:
Document Sharing and ArchivingGoogle Docs
Customer Relationship Managent
Blogger, Word Press, TypePad
Project collaboration
Meeting Coordination
Time & Date, Dopplr, Calendar Hub
File Transfer
Dropsend, Yousendit
News/Feed tracking
Linkedin, odesk
Information Tracking/Sharing
Event publicity
Social Network
Office suite
Zoho, Thinkfree, Google Docs
YuuGuu, Social Text
Skype, Grand Central