myPod is dead;-(
So, never been a Apple fetishist, the endless PC vs. Mac debate bores the tits off me, much in the same way as the C64 vs. Spectrum arguments with the inherent ridiculous diatribes about the relative merits of PEEKing and POKEing against endless CHR$ing wasted many an hour of my youth. I’ve use both Mac and PC in my time and get on with them both. I have a couple of old Performa’s and an LCIIin my loft (though these are skip rescues rather than purchases), but all my machines are PC based, now mostly XP save for a Linux Tosh Laptop. I gotta say all in all I prefer the nuts and bolts of the PC format and do tend towards thinking Apple lean in a little into the form over function. But still, I was happy with myPod.
I bought my wife an iPod for Christmas 2003 and after playing with it for a month bought one for myself, overriding my first digital player choice of the Zen. Although part of this was because I kinda like iTunes and partly because I’d ended up encod...