Been getting back into Audioscrobbler recently and have finally pumbed it into my 'soundtrack' sidebar.
Thanks to a couple of useful starting points for PHP scripts to parse the RDF.
An PHP Audioscrobbler feed display script which plugs into MagpieRSS
Find them:
My Audioscrobbler profile is here
The Audioscrobbler plugins are a lot less cluncky than the app I was using before and hence the Sountrack bar is a lot more up to date.
Thanks to a couple of useful starting points for PHP scripts to parse the RDF.
An PHP Audioscrobbler feed display script which plugs into MagpieRSS
Find them:
My Audioscrobbler profile is here
The Audioscrobbler plugins are a lot less cluncky than the app I was using before and hence the Sountrack bar is a lot more up to date.