So, not much posted here for a while - yes I admit it I've been seeing other blogs - but they meant nothing, really.
Yes well, weird times recently - Working in the Internet/communications industry right now is, er ... interesting. Especially if you are attached to a Telco.
I never joined a Telco, I never asked to be part of a monstrous corporation with all the inherent arse and elbow confusion issues. I was acquired! Plucked from dot com bliss (oh, those rose tinted retro-spectacles) and initiated into the heady world of process and procedure, power games and politics and all the other apparently essential corporate accoutrements which generally distract from the effort of actually doing something worthwhile.
As the Telco industry goes through its biggest evolution/revolution since, well .. ever, turmoil abounds, my attention has been elsewhere and this blog neglected.
The symptoms of the industry wide sea change are all too evident. Where as talk of IP technology and threats from the innovations of Internet and Web companies used to be met by the screwed shut eyed, ear clamping "LA LA LA"ing of denial, such conversation topics now elicit the arm waving , whimpering and on the spot hopping of sheer panic. We have yet to see however whether like that annoying secondary character in a disaster movie who's "I can't do it, I can't do it" hesitancy results in some other less deserving character meeting an untimely end, second act karmic demise or third act redemption awaits. Like I said ... Interesting!
The first snow of the season fell here yesterday afternoon.
So, I know I'm a 'grown up', but I can't help but get excited by such things.
My Dad always said that people loose the wonder and excitement of snow fall once they have to start commuting to work.
I'm lucky, if I look at the window and the roads are impassable, I don't have to bother heading off to the office. Thanks to the technology of my trade home working is habitual anyway.
Is technology responsible for allowing me to keep a sense of wonder, and enjoy the vagaries of mother nature for what she is, rather than seeing her meteorological mood swings only in terms the effect of my daily grind.
Maybe, or maybe I'm just an entry level weather geek!
Whatever, come lunchtime I'm off to take Monty the dog out to play in the snow!