So, I'm sure this is spreading rampantly and most of you have seen it already - but for those that haven't, here is possible the best encapsulation of current web experience I've seen through humorous anthropomorphism. I especially like the annoying Facebook!
The first snow of the season fell here yesterday afternoon.
So, I know I'm a 'grown up', but I can't help but get excited by such things.
My Dad always said that people loose the wonder and excitement of snow fall once they have to start commuting to work.
I'm lucky, if I look at the window and the roads are impassable, I don't have to bother heading off to the office. Thanks to the technology of my trade home working is habitual anyway.
Is technology responsible for allowing me to keep a sense of wonder, and enjoy the vagaries of mother nature for what she is, rather than seeing her meteorological mood swings only in terms the effect of my daily grind.
Maybe, or maybe I'm just an entry level weather geek!
Whatever, come lunchtime I'm off to take Monty the dog out to play in the snow!