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Latest Eureka Machines video

Tour dates for anyone so inclined - I heartily recommend making the effort.

Saturday 5 Sep 2009 – BLACKPOOL The Royal Oak
Saturday 12 Sep 2009 – WORCESTER Marrs Bar (with Jackdaw4)
Sunday 13 Sep 2009 – BIRMINGHAM Madhouse (with Jackdaw4)
Thursday 17 Sept 2009 – DONCASTER The Leopard
Friday 25 Sept 2009 – YORK The Speakeasy (with Laika Dog)
Saturday 26 Sept 2009 – NOTTINGHAM The Maze
Sunday 27 Sept 2009 – DERBY Victoria Inn
Friday 2 Oct 2009 – HALIFAX Puzzle Hall, Sowerby Bridge (with Night By Night)
Saturday 3 Oct 2009 – BURY Hark To Towler (with Night By Night)
Sunday 4 Oct 2009 – GRIMSBY Yardbirds (with Night By Night)
Friday 9 Oct 2009 – MANSFIELD Town Mill
Saturday 10 Oct 2009 – LONDON The Gaff, Holloway Road (with Shush)
Friday 16 Oct 2009 – LEEDS Brudenell Social Club (with Micky P Kerr)
Saturday 17 Oct 2009 – HUDDERSFIELD The Parish (with Sorry And The Sinatras)
Thursday 29 Oct 2009 – NEWCASTLE Trillians
Friday 30 Oct 2009 – DURHAM Fish Tank
Wednesday 23 Nov 2009 – LONDON 100 Club
Saturday 28 Nov 2009 – LEEDS Brudenell Social Club (headline)

Check the band web site for alterations/cancellations.


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