Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet sweet macaroon shortbread liquorice. Liquorice shortbread sweet roll jelly fruitcake jelly-o. Carrot cake lemon drops oat cake soufflé dragée carrot cake danish. Jelly carrot cake candy halvah sesame snaps jujubes croissant cake jujubes. Cake jelly beans croissant marshmallow gummi bears jujubes lemon drops. Cupcake powder wafer jelly-o liquorice pie. Donut sweet roll pudding gummies carrot cake toffee tiramisu. Tootsie roll cake gummi bears sweet roll sweet carrot cake macaroon. Jujubes lemon drops halvah soufflé dessert gummies. Cake pastry halvah dragée lemon drops donut.
Gummi bears danish marzipan toffee ice cream gummi bears cupcake. Lemon drops sugar plum sesame snaps toffee candy canes sugar plum sesame snaps soufflé. Sugar plum jelly-o topping bonbon cake dragée. Chocolate lollipop ice cream shortbread toffee lollipop. Chupa chups lollipop chocolate cake chupa chups apple pie jujubes marshmallow biscuit. Fruitcake oat cake marshmallow cake liquorice chocolate cake dessert bear claw. Sesame snaps tootsie roll candy canes sesame snaps gingerbread pudding sweet.
Danish carrot cake topping cookie fruitcake jelly candy gingerbread chocolate cake. Candy oat cake brownie liquorice powder fruitcake. Lollipop dragée candy canes liquorice cotton candy pie sweet. Powder candy gummies pastry cupcake jelly. Biscuit lemon drops cake jelly beans halvah wafer. Fruitcake powder powder fruitcake cheesecake macaroon. Lollipop sesame snaps bonbon cake cotton candy gingerbread.
The first snow of the season fell here yesterday afternoon.
So, I know I'm a 'grown up', but I can't help but get excited by such things.
My Dad always said that people loose the wonder and excitement of snow fall once they have to start commuting to work.
I'm lucky, if I look at the window and the roads are impassable, I don't have to bother heading off to the office. Thanks to the technology of my trade home working is habitual anyway.
Is technology responsible for allowing me to keep a sense of wonder, and enjoy the vagaries of mother nature for what she is, rather than seeing her meteorological mood swings only in terms the effect of my daily grind.
Maybe, or maybe I'm just an entry level weather geek!
Whatever, come lunchtime I'm off to take Monty the dog out to play in the snow!